Sunday, July 5, 2020

7 years! 7 YEARS! An Update of 'the' Batch of Ad-PR 2013-2014

"Happiness is annoying, it's so annoying it doesn't matter if it's yours or not..."

I kind of believe that you know, I really do. Let me at the very outset let you know that this blogpost has two exclusions, 'one's' ORM team that was duly delegated for the same hasn't responded to any of my mails and the 'other' I believe probably doesn't want to be featured on this 'blog', so... That ... Yeah. 

Time certainly flies, and this year seems like nothing we've ever experienced and that's only added to the whole relativity of time and its various facets. 

Our beloved CR took a wild shot in the dark and decided to get everyone on a phone/zoom call and it (sorta) worked and by 'worked' I mean the call started on a Saturday, 27th June 2020 at 7 PM IST and went on till a rather motley bunch of people had that call go on well until 6:15 AM on 28th June 2020. An 11 LONG H*CKING HOUR CALL. And it had over 23 participants give or take. Not bad eh? Not bad at all. 

As is the de rigeuer with all things #Dilli (and knowing my batch), the said call didn't start on time. Shocker that. KeeHee. Let me cut to the chase and tell you of who all did attend the said call, across oceans, at least 3 different timezones and some. 

Hemanth Singh is currently at FCB Ulka and is currently based out of Gurugram, a city, whose water has washed away a lot of his ex's, apparently.

Shreshta is back home in Calcutta, (works) at Telegraph and is Single AF. 

Debbis (Debdutta Saha) too works out of Calcutta and now is a Diamantaire. And she's also associated with a Production House in Mumbai and it's been two years (?) since she's married.  Debbis later left the chat early citing cooking duties. 

Gaurav is a Project Manager for a brokerage firm, whose hobby is to build tech products. You (reader) with your cute hobbies like cooking, gardening, reading and other plebian joys can go and very well take a hike.  

Nikita Arya is a Brand Manager at Reebok and it's been 2 years since she's moved back home (Delhi) and whilst Ms Arya was telling us all of the above, we heard "Show Us Mayank!" repeatedly and Arya gave the 'crowd' what they wanted. Mayank is her fiance and is wondering if he should really invite the said 'crowd' for his wedding, next February (in Delhi)... I don't blame him, (not) one bit.

Samvedna is married and is with ITC Hotels (works in PR) and is based in Hyderabad.

Saransh is in Mumbai (Ville Parle East), works with DisneyStar India, writes their PAN India Campaigns and is hoping for a show of his own. Soon. 

Srishti (not with a 'Y') works in NY, at a Financial PR Firm. Whoever is interested, drop a comment will share the whole Uber story amongst other things she said and did during the said call. 

Sneh is in Delhi and pursuing her PhD and hopes to finish it next year. Sneh and I did play tic-tac-toe on the side too because ... It's Sneh! She's beautiful like that. 

Dipalie cuts her own hair. Wants to move to Canada with Biwi and Bache AND wants to get married. She currently works for an American firm that wants to ensure Universal Income. Rainbows are more than just a thing with her I must admit. KeeHee. Dipalie also joined back the call at 3:42 AM.  

Mohit uses only Google Meet (and ergo this is his very first Zoom call), he's with Lowe Lintas now (?) after his stint at McCann and in presently in Dilli. Also has had a huge role in shaping Modi's Campaign for 2019. So, drop a comment if you've a few things to tell him, I'll provide with his number. No problem!

"Who's Aman Singh?"

Went a question...

So, Aman Singh is a batchmate (of ours), very married and runs Baarik, a pret line and Designer Label for Men. 

Ashima Bhalla is in Brisbane and the sweet soul that she's, she agreed to the said meet-up and was up until 2:30 AM at least her time just so she could catch-up. Yay! She also told us how a certain 'Medical Centre' can be a place where you can meet and make friends. She's also picked up reading as a hobby owing to the pandemic.

(I've no idea how I missed out on) Isha Sharma got married. Yay! She's been my favourite Bollywood writer (for Indiatimes) has Imtiaz Ali and Vicky Kaushal for friends. Is waiting for airspace clearance so she can join her husband in the US! And here's (pro tip: Isha and Ajra have the best Bollywood Gossip) .. Owing to my amazemax skills, I bring you an update; she’s flying to NY on the 9th of July, 2020. #bonvoyage Lou, I’ll see you soon.

Esha Taneja, *sighs* aren't you a calming sight lady. Ms Taneja is currently with TAJ Hotels (PR) and very much in Delhi.

Savvy (Shaiwalini) by far, has had quite the honeymoon for she's been in lockdown ever since she got married on 12th March. Also very much based out of Delhi NCR and is currently with TATA Communications.

(I can't possibly believe I missed out on) Shweta Singh Sengar, although currently, she's biding her time in Lucknow, she's been in Mumbai (Juhu) for the last 5 years and some ... A former TataSky and currently at Netflix and was albeit devastated that her induction in LA was given a miss owing to the pandemic. If you don't know Parth already, then ... You don't care for her marital status and I'll let that be.

Ritwik is back in Calcutta, writing his future feature and visiting dentists during a pandemic that spreads primarily through aerosol droplets. He was also instructed by Isha how to use/navigate about the said Zoom call. He's watched over 800 movies. And you thought you binge-watch? Pfft! Ritwik's also been to JAIL 3 TIMES. 3 TIMES! I mean ... Ermm.. Uhmm ... 

Ajra was at a birthday party during the first half of the call, yes, during the pandemic. She's based in Delhi, happily married and I know this because her doting husband made her a bowl of Maggi during the said call... Like... COME ON!

Arpan was at a friend's place and owing to a patchy network. except for him laughing, we couldn't decipher much else. But he's alive and how! 

Aishwarya joined us from Mysuru (Mysore) after 11 attempts at the same. She's gravely disappointed because this pandemic has pulverised all her travelling plans. Girl, join the line. But she later also told us, her life, for the most part, has remained the same.  
And the glorious #Gossip Sessions that started post 2 AM ish and that which went on till 6 AM was just .. Uff <3


Updated on 08/07/2020

"'one's' ORM team that was duly delegated for the same hasn't responded to any of my mails"

The above said ORM team has been in constant touch and I've done the unthinkable by missing out on a deadline too on a Monday. I duly apologise for the same, and without further ado, let's get to it;

Ms. Curls (to me) Sonam (to the rest of the junta) is currently at O&M Bengaluru, she's moved from Madras Global where she was an Account Director. Curls it seems can't wait to go back to her first love, Bombay (not even Mumbai) and she's biding her time well until such a situ arises, whilst also yelling at my city's (paapa) autodrivers.

the 'other' I believe probably doesn't want to be featured on this 'blog'

Himmy (AKA The Mountain, the Himalaya Talan) is one smart cookie (his ISB credentials notwithstanding), who's currently moved to Bombay from Delhi-NCR where he was previously with Cars24. Himmy is currently with ByteDance (arre.. wahi... TikTok ... Jo ban hogaya hain?) and at present is enjoying mom's khaana back home. Apparently he' single and has picked up a new hobby (cooking) so ladies, one-at-a-time, please... Maintain one-arm distance whilst you're at it.


We'd two users using aliases what with the likes of JJ, Parven Ahluwalia, COVID 18 Pro and whatnot, we still don't know who it was but thanks for that you guys, that was fun and it's always nice to see some people haven't really left college. KeeHee.      

Srishti recalled a time when JJ  called her into her cabin and asked her matter of fact "you don't know what's stoned?" and Srishti really didn't know what 'stoned' meant then. 

Srishti also asked "everyone to go pee" during the said call. 

ORM Team Delegated and Dipalie both lit a cigarette during the call #likeaboss and will soon call one of you with a 'need help for a lung transplant for a friend', you've been duly warned. 

Shweta was educated about lipsticks having expiry dates.

No one knows what's the shade of lipstick of ORM Team Delegated, including the Mademoiselle herself. 

Srishti doesn't know what's the colour of her nail paint either. She's wild like that!   


Friday, June 17, 2016

Media Planning by Sridhar as on 29/05/2016

"Classes are FUN, (once you get out of college)."

A fairly chilled Sunday morning, in the wonderful environs of Indian Habitat Centre is not a bad place for a rendezvous with three of my favourite professors at my Alma Mater, IIMC, not bad at all. It sure is and is always fun. 

It was albeit more than just a meet and greet (on so many levels, but that's for another post on a different site altogether...) Sridhar was there as always on time, and prepared. 

It's nice to see those sides again, after all these years, and this post is going to be all about that. Nothing more. Nothing less.

India's internet reach is racing at galloping speeds, at the rate of 34.90% CAGR, currently we're looking at about 35% of the entire population online, second only to China in terms of no.of people online. And it's only going to get better and will do so at much faster rate than previously. 

In fact, about 550 million is the expected no.of people to be online and about 277 million and about 25% of them are going to be so only on mobile, so the 'second screen' is soon going to be primary, very soon. 

What the above means, more so for the guys at respective agencies is, that the thin line that was thought to be dividing the offline and online agencies per say is that much less true and relevant, the said agencies will have to work in tandem and if they aren't doing so already, will have to do so, for working in isolation will no longer make sense. 

We're already seeing that, what with AVC (Audio Visual Commercial) is NOT equal to a TVC (TeleVision Commercial) anymore what with the advent of innumerable Social Media platforms; akin to Facebook, Vines, Vimeo but the biggest amongst them, undoubtedly is YouTube. 

Social Media is another force that is an unmistakable part of the advertisement mix, simply because of the old wisdom; 'endorsement from a friend/family (or even an acquaintance) is much more valuable than hard sell'. The challenge though is to create content that is 'share worthy' or as the more pronounced and apt term for it being 'viral'. 

Small (and in some cases, medium) enterprises have (begun) to rely on online for influencing their respective TA/TG and it's being learnt that as much as 65% of influencing (prowess) for Medium and Small Enterprises is very much restricted to online. This could also stem from the fact that MSEs cannot afford traditional media owing to restricted budgets on marketing and Public Relations exercises.



Sunday, June 15, 2014

Pitch. Notes.

DISCLAIMER: With so many of my dearest classmates STUCK In PR firms exercising their creativity (LOL, sure) to the hilt! I thought I should keep this blog running with tid-bits, that I've learnt so far from my wonderfully boring, extremely trivial and mundane internship at India's Biggest PR Firm. Yes. Edelman! Eat. Your. Heart. Out.      

Always email 'pitches', avoid cold calls (am sure you know that by now)

1. Plan and Research: Target the right person and periodicals, then tailor your pitch accordingly to ensure it interests the reporter. 

2. Address Appropriately: The following are usually considered the norm and as an acceptable way to address people;

  •  Dear (First Name)
  •  Dear (Mr/Ms {Surname})

3. Use Catchy/Intriguing Headline/Subject line and half the battle is won if the reporter is intrigued by your headline. 

4. Keep It Short and Simple (KISS)

5. Get straight to the point (Inverted-Pyramid)  

6. Be careful with words and claims. Never make wild or false claims. 

7. Attention grabbing first paragraph, often the first paragraph is the only paragraph that the reporter has the time to read before deciding if the said story makes the cut or not. 

8. A pitch must be news worthy and with multiple story angles 

9. Specify a section or column, through media mapping, pitch the story for a specific section or column carried on certain days. 

10. Conclude with a call to action, specify that the journalist needs to respond at the earliest to avail the opportunity. 

  • Email ID:
  • Mobile No:
  • Landline Number:    

11. Re-write. Edit. Proof- check. Repeat. (weed out typos and grammatical errors)

12. Samples and Testimonials, for product launches, a free sample could be given (if possible)

13. Cautious follow-up mail, a journalist may be interested in your pitch, write to him/her asking if it were to be true. 

14. Follow-up call; You call if and only if the journalist replies in the affirmative. Then only do you follow-up with a phone call. If required draft FAQs to cover all expected and unexpected queries. 

15. Last-Resort Call; When you find yourself in a situation where there is no response to your follow-up email from the journalist but the client considers either the journalist or the periodical important and an absolute must, then, you will have to directly make a call to the said journalist. 


Friday, April 25, 2014

Curtains. Come. Closing

D folowng wer thngs dat I'd d 'plesure' of hring amng oder thngs. I've bn extrmly knd on mah prt 2 cmpltly lk d othr way, whn in qstn was ALCHL.

Who neds ALCHL newayz, u dn't agree? Well, I prsnt 2 u….

The. Brightest. Minds indeed. 

"You can be gay, it's ok"

"May be you don't know if you're gay yet?"

"If the majority thinks, may be you're just that"

She walks into Javed's shop enquires about a bottle of water and she goes - "Bhaiyya paani toh fresh hain?"

"JK in your initials stands for Just. Kidding?"

"Do you like Michael Jackson?", I go "Why?" and she replies "Because you're wearing white socks"

"South Indian mein kuch toh bolo"

"Achan, what are you, Kannad?"

"It's not Shivaji terminus, it's called CST"

After using 'pepper spray' in middle of an ongoing class -"Achan, but I didn't know aise hota hain"

Upon enquiring as to why she's so dazed after the orientation - "I am stoned"

"Hangover dude" - When greeted with a 'Hi'

"One sided love that is"

"You're in charge of security? So you'll be a bouncer, wearing a black t-shirt?" 

Upon asked to present a (any) 'Big Idea', one dude said - "Do away with the institution of Marriage" 


"Don't talk to him, I'll tell you more about him later, he didn't tell you that he's not straight?"

"IQ maaney Intelligent Question?"


 "Hispanics and Mexicans"                                                          

"I still feel that these people become like this when they don't get attention from females, early on"  - One girl on 'gays'

"Public transport is supposed to be dirty"

"You're so dumb, why aren't you replying to me?"

"I can't eat that idly vada sambhaar, like you south Indians" 


"I know you hate me but for some reason I love you, I don't know why" 

"I hope gay is a likea proper noun, you know like he is so gay" 

"mah rulezz, mah lyf"


"My real brothers marriage" whilst seeking for leave from college

"It is like Delhi weather is PMSing"  

"What, disease will give invitation and come is it?"  

"South Indian mien kuch bolo no?"  -  No! This isn't a repeat, two wonderfully aware people have asked me the same question… Here's to sheer ignorance. 


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Marketing Research by Parveen Ahluwalia as on 24/03/2014

Last. Exam. 

-> Find out the 'Advertising Efficacy' of the said Campaign (6 - 7 Campaign)

-- Print Campaign

"You'll have to find out if there is any other advertisement, for a campaign will have to be evaluated in its entirety."

Parameters Against which your Campaign will have to be evaluated against?

 - Single Mindedness 
 - Clarity
 - Relevance 
 - Media Ubiquity 
 - Role of Branding 
 - Distinctiveness/Distinction 
 - Immediacy 

Whilst listing out the following in requisite/acceptable details

-> Campaign Rationale 

-> Media Mix 

-> TA




-> Alternative Campaign*   

Based on all of the above, you draw a conclusion as to if the campaign is 'working' or not. *If Not then you'll have to devise an 'Alternative Campaign' which will include, a press ad;



Body Copy 

Name of  Brand

P.S. The Notes Maker is calling it quits with this last post. It's been, nope, nothing great to write home about, can't fathom that this blog has been used to cheat in and during exams, not exactly a proud moment but will take it with a pinch of salt that it has been of some use to some people, at least.

P.P.S There are a few more posts that are to be (still) uploaded, will do so, as and when I find the time for the same, I wouldn't count on it if I were you but will definitely do it, before the year end, I guess. 

Thank. You.    

Yours Truly, 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Marketing Research by Parveen Ahluwalia as on 30/11/13

The Marketing Communication – Strategy

“Institute is always bigger than the individual, it is a fact”

  • ·      PR
  • ·      Direct Marketing
  • ·      Events
  • ·      Promotions
  • ·      CRM (Loyalty Programs)
  • ·      Others

PR Framework

Definition of the brand objective
  • -       Short term
  • -       Long term (will have to be quarter wise, considering it’s annual)
      Objective Setting
  •     Agency and the client will have to sign of mutually as to what are the agreed objectives that are to be met and how they will be met?     

Strategy to address the objectives
  • -       Short term
  • -       Long term

  • -       Target consumer
  • -       Target media

“In business newspapers, you’ve Economic Times as the priority 1 and Business Standard as priority, like wise in TV; ET Now is priority 1 and CNN IBN is priority 2 and in magazines India Today is priority 1 and Outlook priority 2”

Media Vehicles
  • -       TV
  • -       Press
  • -       Radio
  • -       Digital

 Media vehicle wise Key Messages

For example: “Tehelka has always been a torchbearer of scoops in India – that have shattered many a myth and reputation”

 PR Strategy

Media Bridging 
  • -       Seeding

  •      Releases
  •      Sponsorships

Events – Visibility through key speaker slots

Crisis Management Manual
  • -       What if scenarios (about 40-50) upon which crisis will be handled

“Price, Specs and Name are the three most guarded secrets of the Automotive Sector”
“In communication business, the credit for the success or failure of a campaign is to be equally borne by the client”


  • -       Consumer Promotions
  • -       Trade Promotions

No Price offs
No Exchange

·       One time
·       Lead generation
·       Venue specific
·       TA specific

  • -       Engagement Exercise
  • -       Consumer Participation
  • -       Consumer Experiences
  • -       Target Segments

“Growth rates of the following industries:
  • -       Advertising = NIL
  • -       PR = 15%
  • -       OOH = 22%
  • -       Digital = 50 - 60%
  • -       Activation = 30 - 50%

“Activity on the ground in a nation = Activation”
Activation is an event multiplied over different/across geographies.

Framework Objective

Target Audience
Connect Points
Exchange Programs (Modus Operandi)
Promotional Mix
                              - Ads

“Idea is incomplete without actually creating a deliverable.”

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Marketing Research by Parveen Ahluwalia as on 23/11/13

“Social Media is NOT only online”

Digital Marketing



  • -       Online
  • -       E-mailer
  • -       Social Media
  • -       Customer Relations Management 

  • -       Ringtones
  • -       Wallpaper

  • -       Payment Getaway
  • -       Multiple Links
  • -       Dynamic

Online Advertisement

- Banners 
  • -       CPM
  • -       CPC
  • -       CPL
  • -       CPA

“Marketing Tip: Ideally if you click on a banner ad, it should ideally take you to a different/distinct page, other than your home page”

Most Online Advertising industry/category wise: BFSI > Automobiles > Education.

With respect to an EDM; a relevant subject line is must so as to ensure that it presents itself in either junk mail, spam or gets deleted, an EDM should be sent along with respondent details that are addressed in the following manner:
  • -       Name
  • -       Designation
  • -       Name of the Company
  • -       Location

  • -       Sales Schemes
  • -       Customer Feedback

“SEO is to ensure that you’re the first search result”

Social Media
-          Blogs
  • -       Listening Posts
  • -       Viral --> Applications
  • -       Inter – Intra group online promotions
  • -    Inter – Intra group offline promotions  

Media Relations Strategy


  • -       Stakeholders

Example: What are the stakeholders of IIMC (External)

  • -       Courses
  • -       Training Programs 


Faculty from the Industry
  • -       Guest
  • -       Adjunct
  • -       Visiting


Fourth Estate
  •       Educational media

Media Education Industry

Prospective Faculty

PR Strategy Framework

“Any company might not advertise but come what may, they’re doing PR”

Media Seeding
  • -       Press Releases
  • -       Press Conferences
  • -       Informal Press Meets
  • -       One –on- One interviews

Media Leveraging
  • -       Across Media
  • -       Intra Media

Media Update Skits

Familiarisation Trips

Media Research

Media Tracking

Crisis Communication