Friday, October 4, 2013

Media Strategy by Narayanmoorthy as on 03/10/2013

"You need to describe your Target Audience in such a way that the target audience needs to come out alive"

Media Strategy usually involves the following, in any agency (in principal) :

-> Target Audience 
-> Geographic Priorities 
-> Media weight and Delivery 
-> Creative Considerations
-> Scheduling 
-> Mandates
-> Priorities 

All advertising and communications centre around the consumer, it is indeed the most difficult to centre around too. 

in communication, the starting point is always the consumer, product is a wrong starting point. You'll always have to put yourself in the shoes of the customer or the consumer. Consumer benefit has to fulfil a consumer need. Understanding of the consumer need is of utmost importance and an important aspect of anything in the field of communication. Consumer is indeed the King. 

Consumer Immersion means to understand a consumer from various viewpoints, them being the following :

-> Demographics
-> Psychographics 
-> Lifestyle 
-> Influencer 
-> Purchase Process
-> Role of Retailer

Demographic is the most most basic distincter, such that it puts the 'numbers' in perspective. 

For e.g a demographic is noted like this --> Women (25 - 45); SEC AB, residing in Delhi (parameters can be added and with more parameters added, your target audience will become smaller). Your target audience should be substantial enough for your brand to survive meaning you should've a sizeable target audience and you shouldn't add so many parameters that your target audience will be too small a number to make much/any impact. 

Best Prospect => People who'll maximise your ROI (return on investment)

"Conversion rate in advertising is 1-2% at the max" 

You've to derive your demographics through a description of the consumer. 

Psychographics : 35 +, SEC A1, in Delhi. (for selling Gucci bags) Psychographics is about what they 'think'. Many media agencies run their own ways to bring about their own proprietary Psychographic survey. 

Target Group Index (TGI) is a survey that solely focuses on Psychographics, "Doing/offering prayers is good for my spiritual health" is an example for Psychographic statement. With Psychographics, you grapple with one true challenge that you cannot link to media. If it is capable, then only to a poor link to a media. 

"Lifestyle is what they do (Behavioural) it is capable of linkage to media"      

 TV, Print, Radio, Cinema and Outdoor were the 5 main Media, that existed and everything else you did was considered 'below the line' until the 2000 when Digital medium came to the fore.

"Medium can be defined as anything that can reach and influence a consumer" Thus lifestyle can and creates a medium if need arises. 

Golf helps me keep fit = Psychographic 
I play Golf to keep fit = Lifestyle 

Any and all product category will have influencers, sometimes they're strong and other times weak. An influencer can be as small as a 5 year old, and is known as 'pester power'. It is very important not only to identify the influencer and do something about it too. 

Purchase Process
Identify the role of retailers, because they influence your decisions and in most cases one negative comment will ruin your loyalty towards a brand irrespective of your loyalty towards the said brand since long. 

Assignment: Describe your Target Audience for Lux in a composition, not exceeding a sheet. (It is a Group Assignment)    


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