Thursday, November 7, 2013

Communication Theory by Naren as on 22/10/2013

“You can become anything professionally but if you don’t understand the ways of life, then your life becomes futile”

Manufacturing Consent…

“If there isn’t a consent then the establishment will overthrown or over ruled”

“People who own the means of production, own the means of mental production”

Propaganda: Ideas that are false, biased and that which are spread in order to help a group, institution, nation etc…

Responsibility of Journalism as a Fourth State…  
  •       Report events objectively as they occur, to allow citizens to make informed political choices
  •          Control governmental abuses of power, through investigative journalism

Herman and Chomsky consider US media to be a failure with respect to the above but in turn they consider US media to be a propaganda system.
  •      Unlawful activities have to be unearthed by the fourth estate; this is its very principle.

Like P. Sainath said, “There’s a compulsion to lie” for a simple reason that, it is precisely how the nature of business and business interest work.

Corporate Ownership = Political Economy

“You don’t pay PR agencies for negative PR”

“Only 12% of shares are written by journalists”

The three ownership of media:
  • ·      Corporations
  • ·      Politicians
  • ·      Government

“There’s none who’s out of the sphere of the politics and economics”, in fact it is commonly believed that “Bad Economics is Good Politics and Good Economics is Bad Politics”

“Political economy is the study of social relations”

“The key in every economy is labor”

Capitalism and Communism are the two major kinds of Economy. Capitalism will mean free flow of money; there will be a right to private property. Communism on the other hand will mean that none will have the right to private property and the means of production will be in the hands of the state.
Communism later got branched into Liberalization and Social Democracy; Production process is the one barometer, which is one of the most important facets that’ll tell you about any company, followed by distribution.

Globalization came up as a result of stagnation; they needed to open up their economies considering their own respective economies were in tatters. All the banking facilities of the world like IMF, ADB and the likes are not exactly in the business of charity, thus with India taking their monetary aid had to finally give in and forced to open up our economy.

“With Homogenization, it is the dominant culture that will survive” 

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