Saturday, November 9, 2013

Marketing Research by Parveen Ahluwalia as on 09/11/2013

"Advertising that works for for your client is the best advertising" 

Position Strategy  is based on four basics, them being:

- Competitive
- Relevant
- Distinctive
- Credible

(With the case of) Live Brand

- Competitive Brand image
- Self Brand Image
- Current Brand Position
- Competitive Brand Positioning

"Dead Brand : No iota of brand recall, when compared to other brands"

Category Benefits Analysis

Step 1

- Evaluate all category benefits

In the case of category being whisky…

- Blend (smooth taste)
- Heritage
- Ingredients
- Price (w.r.t. Value For Money)
- Attitude

"In terms of brand loyalty, consumers of whisky and cigarettes have the highest loyalty"

Step 2

- Blend (smooth taste) B2, B4, B7
- Heritage B1, B3, B7
- Ingredients B5, B6, B8
- Price (w.r.t. Value For Money) B1, B4
- Attitude B1, B9

With B1 to B10 being different brands, We need to see and find out as to how many competitive brands are focusing on one key attribute and are talking about them.

Step 3

- Blend (smooth taste)
- Heritage
- Ingredients
- Price (w.r.t. Value For Money)
- Attitude

May be like a streak of lightning, you're hit with a stroke of genius and you happen to think of a 'new' attribute that didn't exist until now.  Again this happens in extremely rare cases.

"Positioning is about a reason/rationale to buy/purchase. Period."

A hoarding should have an option of response action (As in email, phone, website)

Creative Strategy Considerations

- Tone and Style => (Confident, Warmth, Seductive, Bold are all examples of tone)
like for example A movement called Telco used an empathetic tone.  

"Ideally an advertising should talk to a consumer, better if it talks with the consumer" 

- Visual Dominant or Copy heavy
- Objective of the campaign (if it's a new brand, then you'll have/should use worse that defines that it's it's a new brand and thus is a launching)
- Role of Branding
- Brand Personality

"Personality is that intrinsic, trait that differentiate one from another"

If you build your personality such that it is too highly placed as in the case of Four Squares Kings which was Highly Extroverted, Fantasy and more Outdoorsy than when compared to Gold Flake Kings, people will like you but there's a good chance that they won't buy you, a point that is driven home by the fact that Gold Flake Kings sells 4 times that of Four Square Kings.

Celebrity Personality

Celebrity's personality should match to that of the Brand's personality, if they compliment each other then it is in good stead. If the celebrity is all too pervasive as in the case in point of Amitabh Bacchhan in Navaratna Ad, then that will invariably mean the the very end of the brand.      

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