Friday, August 30, 2013

Creativity by Sam Roofus as on 30/08/2013

"Yes Sir, no Sir and you'll land up with ulcer" 

"My romance with this institute goes way long back to those times, when it was a much smaller place, a rented flat in South Ex"

I come here to learn and teach. I like my classes to be an interactive one. We'll dialogue and discuss.


"Anything you look around us at the core of it does have creativity in it"

"See with your ears and Hear with your eyes"

"Great Advertising is 1% inspiration, 9% perspiration and 90% justification"

"Good Advertising will have to bring a smile to your mind"

"When you reach for the stars, you may not touch them but one thing is sure, you'll not come up with a handful of dust"

"Good is the enemy of great" being Good breeds complacency and the number of Corporations, MNCs that have had their fall attributed to just this one trait and we must be very aware as to not let it get the better of us. 

"It is all about setting standards and a par at excellence that should be raised everyday" 

"Just Imagine"

"Creativity is all about first things"

"Advertising is the only good news on television"

Analytical | Creative    
Logical | Imagination 
Few Answers | More Possible Answers
Convergent | Divergent 
Vertical | Lateral       

"Any job is not wanted but day before yesterday" 

"We don't fit the mould we break it" 

The Black Cylinder works in so many ways and them being:

  • No way of checking whether an idea is right or wrong.
  • Not a closed situation where one can prove if one is right or wrong.
  • Dealing with vague ideas - not a number which can be put through a mathematical solution.
  • Not a matter of checking ideas but thinking of them first.
  • In spite of inadequate information one is required to come to a definite conclusion. 
  • There is no one to ask. 

--> Process NOT content... 

--> Raw Thinking - Cooking Up... 

"Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way" 

"The greatest enemy to creativity is the first right answer"

"You cannot do the same things again. and again and expect different results"

"Get out of the wrecked angle"

Important Lessons in Communication:
  • Strong Emotions
  • Simplicity 
  • Art of Storytelling 
  • Humanity with all its Quirks and Intellectual Honesty 

The 5 new 'P's of marketing are:
  • Paradox
  • Perspective
  • Paradigm
  • Persuasion
  • Passion 

Questions that power Creative Thinking are:

  • Why Not?
  • What Else?
  • What If?
  • How About?
"The art lies in continuously asking new questions"

5 levels used in Creative Thinking :

Level 1 : Simple Description 

Level 2 : Porridge Words (e.g. kich kich, jingalala) 

Level 3 : Give it a Name

Level 4 : The Way it Works 

Level 5 : Full Details 

"Nobody looks at advertising on purpose"

"Paradigm is anything but a frame through which we see for what we see or perceive we don't believe"

Book Recommendations: Short Stories by Guy de Maupassant
                                           Khalil Gibran's 'The Prophet'
                                           Lateral Thinking by Edward de Bono 

Assignment : Paradigm Shifting Campaign (according to you what/which do you think fits the bill for such a campaign, I, Chaithanya J.K call dibs on Gandhi and Hitler.) 

"Ideas come when you search for them in the 'visual dustbins of history'" - One 8 Year Old Boy.  

Media Strategy by Narayanmoorthy as on 29/08/2013

"No survey is error free"

Before we begin, the all important 'Ground Rules:

                No. Noise!
                Don’t Prompt. “You’ll not open your mouths until you’ve my permission to do so”
                Patience is a Virtue…
                Punctuality is a value your generation doesn’t know much about. “None will enter my class after I’ve done so. Period.”


Concepts are the very basics of this Industry, it is akin to a foundation of a building it has to be strong lest the building will fall, rest assured. 


Indian Readership Survey began in 1971, Dr. Bhouser the father of Operations Research Group (Baroda) covered only Urban India, 1981 a joint research by IMRB and Operations Research Group with both Urban and Rural Group 

1983 another joint research with IMRB was published. 

1989 another joint research with IMRB was published. 

The research were far and few and the surveys needed to
have shorter time gaps between them and there was very
little co-operation between Research and Advertising
Agencies. Roda Mehta the Legend, Iconic and the Goddess of Research knew the true objective of media research and knew well enough to know that it wasn't immersive enough. With much resistance, a joint industry commission in 1989 was formed.  

With the founding members of MURC being:

Mohini Bhullar
Living Media (I) Ltd
Shekar Swamy
R K Swamy/BBDO Advtg
Pheroza Billimoria
Business India
Mukul Upadhyaya
Bajaj Electricals Ltd
K Kurian
Radeus Advertising
Brahm Vasudev
Hawkins Cookers Ltd
O P Nijhara
Cadbury India
Roda Mehta
O&M / Hansa Vision

Media Research Users Council was formed in 1994. The one main trait that they did want to tackle at the earliest was that there be continuous research instead of being spaced out over such long intervals. It is an industry body that is non-profit.  

                Research conducted at regular intervals
                Capturing relevant information on growing media and product ownership & consumption based on industry needs
                Well-validated data, ensuring high levels of accuracy, adequate sample size, good representation on sample spread

The key intents of MURC are:
1. To determine the needs and frequencies of research and/or surveys required for the assessment of various media for advertising.
2. To conduct surveys and/or research into the readership, viewership and/or listenership of various media for advertising such as newspapers and periodicals, television, radio, outdoor hoardings and all other media, which carry advertisements.
3. To maintain and propagate the highest possible standards of integrity, fairness and reliability in media research and to ensure that its output are not misused to convey a misleading impression by or to any party.
4. To disseminate the findings of such surveys and/or research as are mentioned in Point 2 above through any medium with or without charge.
5. To develop and disseminate software and other methods of handling media research and other data.
6. To provide a forum for the discussion and resolution of disputes and/or issues relating to media research.
7. To provide, maintain and uphold fair, sound, ethical and healthy principles and practices of media research.
8. To promote better understanding of the benefits of fair, sound and ethical media research amongst media, advertisers and advertising agencies.
9. To represent, protect, inform and guide the members of the Company on matters relating to media research.

IRS came out with their reports in 1995, 1997 respectively. This was mainly with respect to print media, since print readers don't change overnight, the 2 year gap was an accepted norm. 

Sample : A representative sample, There are two main kinds of a sample, one being Heterogeneous mix and the other Homogenous. A large sample needs to be present. 
The IRS questionnaire takes almost 4 hours to administer the questionnaire. 

A Rolling Sample : Divide the country into 2 main parts, South-West and North-East, first 6 months North-East and the next 6 months South-West, today IRS comes out once a quarter. 
IRS is the world's largest sample survey, wherein it's sample survey is about 3 lakhs and costs crores to bring about. 
IRS bases it's report on the following yardstick
  • -> Consumers (Indian)
-> Media
-> Brand (only if there are enough subscribers)

But 'respondent fatigue' is a real danger whilst administering the questionnaire and this needs to be kept in mind.

Fundamental Object :

-->  Habit
--> Frequency 

"Have you read or looked at an issue of -- in the last - ?" this is the exact question of for both 'habit' and 'frequency'. 
India has over 40, 000 publications and thus invariably the questionnaire is area specific. 
The name of the publication is never spoken out for every publication has a DNA and this can influence the one who's answering the questionnaire. Thus the 'Masthead Recognition Method' is used where as the name suggests a publication's masthead is used to identify the said publication. 

Habit                                                         Frequency
Daily             Yesterday                             Last 7 Days
Weekly           Last 7 days                         Last 4 Weeks
Fortnight        Last 2 Weeks                      Last 3 Months
Monthly          Last Month                         Last 6 Months

Why do we need ese two questions? 

AIR or Regular Readerships is assured by Habit question whilst the Frequency gives
out the claimed readership. 

Principle of Audience Accumulation. 

Conditions for the same: 
-> Even f you look at something you're considered a reader
-> Which issue doesn't matter
-> Where you read the paper also doesn't matter 

All media metrics, reach and opportunity to see are essentially derived from this
question.It is also to establish some demographics. 

Schedule 1 and Schedule 2. 

Schedule 1 is an 'household schedule' under which you've the following fields:
Social Class, Ownership of consumer durables with the likes of TV, Refrigerator etc. 

Schedule 2 is an 'individual schedule where you've the following fields:
Age, Gender, Deos, Soap, etc.

Usually the survey is done in such a way as to randomise the sample that a voters list
is picked and then a right hand/left hand side rule is followed. 

The questions that establish demographic are 

·      Age
·      Gender
·      Occupation
·      Population of the Household
·      Education
·      Monthly Household Income
·      Socio Economic Class

With Monthly Household Income being the most unreliable part of IRS,
underclaim and overclaim is a serious problem and calculation of household
income is very difficult. 

In 1978, IIM-A was approached to device a new way of getting household
income and then they came up with SSC. 

Where the concept of Chief Wage Earner was instrumental in knowing one's SSC and
factors influencing that were two primarily:


Someone with a plum job, meant that he was highly educated as well and thus his SSC-A and this was proportional, lesser degree of education meant lower the tier
of occupation and this entitled you to SSC-D. 

New SSC is based on ownership specific durables. 

     (Family Structure)    
Education of the Housewife
Improving the way of living

A Discriminant Variable (needs to be identified)

Advertising is 30, 000 Crores industry. IRS does not take into account Psychograpgic
but only depends on Demographic 

What you think (Psychographic)|What you are (Demographic)|What you do (Lifestyle) 

Opinion is psychographic. 

IRS takes only two yardstick for lifestyle, them being 'foreign travel' and 'credit card' 

There is a dire need for psychographics. Target Group Index that covers both the
psychographic and demographic but the sample size of it is too small (30, 000)
though.  TGI's data is not vey rich but it is better than nothing. 

IRS takes its sample from any individual who's 12 years and above. TGI considers only
SSC C and above.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Communication Model by Naren on 29/08/2103

‘trust deficit means that rulers will be thrown out of power, sooner or later’  

Communication Models is a means of understanding, the communication process. It is one of the ways to analyze communication.

Communication model is not a reality but a perception of reality.

A model is a pictorial presentation of the essential components that make models.

Function of a (communication) model is to provide images of the whole that one may not otherwise be able to see.

Information is simplified.

Communication Models allow us to ask questions, they clarify.
“In order to understand the dynamics and the nuances of that particular object”

Evolution is a continuous process even in media, we know this to be true when we look back at our state of media from 1920’s to what it is today, a lot has changed since the 1920’s.

The influential philosopher of the Greek first used rhetoric Model in 300 B.C. …

       Speaker – Speech – Audience – Effect -

“Speech/es will persuade people”

Aristotle advocated that different speeches have to be made for different audiences. Meaning that a speech has to be tailor made to suit the audience dynamics. Aristotle also emphasized on the importance of an Orator in public speaking domain. 

  • She/He ought to prepare speech and evaluate audiences’ psyche before delivering the speech.
  • The end goal is to influence and persuade the targeted audiences.
  • The model emphasizes on the role of audience in communication process.
  • The model is more focused on public speaking than inter-personal communication.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Understanding Concepts of Marketing Research by Gita Bezmai on 27/082013

“It is the bed rock of all other papers that you’ll be studying…”

This is going to be a study of as to how communication impacts us at an elementary level.

A conflict arises because of the following reasons:
  • ·      Less (of) Communication
  • ·      Under Communication
  • ·      Absence of Communication

Thus communication is of utmost importance, in life. It is critical and crucial. Period.
With the advent of technology, communication has made huge leaps.  Communication shouldn’t be a monologue but a dialogue, a discussion and a discourse. Communication should never hard sell. With elections nearing we’ll begin to look at communications that hard sell as propaganda.
You bring your own sensibilities to something that is happening in the external environment. That is why and how people interpret the same line in different ways.

“Communication is also about influencing others”

Communication hasn’t changed man much, meaning it is still the elementary need of a man without which, it is highly unlikely that he’ll survive but then again having said that, communication can change people.

Communication is a combination of Social Sciences, Arts, Sciences, IT and Engineering.

To simplify communication further …

Communication Processes

Source -> Message -> Channel -> Audience (Noise is the 5th element)

                       |                         |                     |
                    Art                Science            Tool

Direction and flow of information is from top to bottom.

Important Questions
  • ·      Why communication?
  • ·      With whom?
  • ·      What to convey?

The three basic questions that still need to be answered here as well is,
  • ·      How?
  • ·      When?
  • ·      Where? 

Source of communications are:
  • ·      A person
  • ·      A group
  • ·      An organization
  • ·      Media House
  • ·      A Newspaper
  • ·      A TV Channel

A source’s Skills, Knowledge, Experience, Class and Socio – Economic position and Cultural Identity all will add to the communication, invariably.

Message can be in the form of…
  • ·      Information
  • ·      Instruction
  • ·      Order

Message should reach the destination without any :
  • ·      Filtration
  • ·      Loss of Meaning

Communication is in meaning.

It can multiply a message on many lines
It can amplify the message
It can ensure that it can breach all barriers:
  • ·      Physical
  • ·      Psychological
  • ·      Sociological 

With technology the settings of mass media have slightly changed from their previous avatar, which was:
o   Mass Audience
o   Heterogeneous groups  
o   Impersonal
o   Anonymous
o   Lacks Privacy and Confidentiality
o   Timely and Overcomes Distances.

Interpersonal Communication is the exact opposite of all the above, as in:
  • ·      Face to Face
  • ·      Private and Personal
  • ·      Immediate Response
  • ·      Customized


Network of Mental Associations by Ramesh Tahiliani

"Happy to help, my foot!"  
"As consumers we don't think that much."

Brand Management as an academic offering is pretty new and gaining momentum from the late 1980's to early 1990's. 

What is it's level of quality? Is it low, medium, premium or luxury ? A Brand will have to set the standards on which the consumer can perceive the brand to be, it could be any of the four categories as mentioned earlier. 

Every brand has it's own merits on which it stands. 

A brand's most discriminating quality or benefit is basically the perceived positioning of the said brand. 

How you sit in the minds of the customer is positioning, and Apple owes much of it's existence to having gotten their positioning spot on. Same goes for other longstanding brands like Coke which has positioned itself to be a rejuvenating drink, from which you derive 'happiness'.

--> Dove likewise has positioned itself to advocating internal beauty the very opposite of Lux. 

--> Louis Vuitton => Accentuating the journey of life. 

--> Red Bull => Energize

--> Zara => Democratize fashion trends. 

Every brand has a personality, when you treat the brand as a human being what are the personality traits of the said brand. 

Brand Imagery is a perception that the brand wants you to perceive them as. If you're a brand then a "crisis will kill you" 

The image is subject to change. It is important that brands keep it contemporary, like how Pespsi and Coke have always managed to have keep it contemporary. 

Positioning Changes over time but what doesn't change is the values. Positioning is done on the basis of changes in customers and competition. It is also important to know that 'cultural relevance' is an important aspect and never should it be treated otherwise.  

Mc Donalds... 

The 4 key values that they work on are 

  • Quality 
  • Service  
  • Cleanliness
  • Value For Money 

but having said that they're positioned around the three main promises of 'Fun, Food and Family' 


Brand Concept (Value Proposition, Tangible, Intangible)

Brand Name  and  Symbols                                                                                       Products or Service
A brand is an idea, which needs to come alive. Introduction of new products under the aegis of the parent brand. 

'Gestalt' is a German word for structure.

A Brand has to have all of this:

  • Personality 
  • Logo
  • Emotional, Tangible benefits 
  • Country of Origin (eg Swiss Chocolates, Watches; Germany's Cars; Japan's technology.)
  • Visual Appearance
  • Best Costumer Relationship 
  • Brand Personality 

When you buy a Brand, you believe and rightly so that you're invariably reducing the risks in product designs. 

Functional Risk => The product does not perform or function up to expectation. 

Financial Risk => The product is not worth the price said. 

Physical Risk => The product that poses a threat to the physical well being or health of the user or others.

Social Risk => The Product results in an embarrassment for others. 

Psychological Risk => The product affects the mental well being of the user. 

Time Risk => The failure of the product results in an opportunity at the cost of finding another satisfactory product. 

4 Components of Branding...

Building the Brand: Brand Identity is the first step 

Leveraging the Brand: Line Extension: Brand Extension : Co Branding 

Identifying and measuring Brand Equity: Maintaing good consumer relationships is vital for Brand Financial value. 

Protecting the Brand against : Dilution, Legal Aspects. 

"Goodwill is a reputation that is untouchable which holds some financial  value. Apple is currently valued at 140 $Billion" 

"A Brand has to be relevant, different and have energy"    

-> Olympics Pitch by Rio was won based on many factors... Which included:

  • Social Angle which promised better economy to the host nation.. 
  • Rio is the party capital of the world. It is a vibrant and a colourful cities like few others. 
  • Olympics is believed to bring about a change in Rio's social fabric and in a good way. 
  • Tourism will receive a further boost. 

"No two brands can have the same positioning"

"A Brand must start with a simple idea, it's actions must tell it's story, meaning it should walk the talk"

"A Brands customer's should want to tell your story"

"A brand should gear up for a marathon and not a sprint" 
Brands need to prove themselves over and over again" or watch as they play catch up in a market that they once dominated.

"A brand must know where to play and win" and you play to win. Period.