Sunday, August 18, 2013

Introduction To Research By Parveen Ahluwalia on 16.08.2013

"Advertising is not the be all and end all of marketing" 

Brand in all fairness adds something to a product, brand needs to create a preference in the mind of a consumer/customer they do so with a help of a Brand Identity which comprises of a Logo, Name (distinct), Packaging.

We live in a branded world. Brands are products not the converse. Commodities don't need to be promoted but brands do. People believe and rightly so, that a brand will invariably be better than a commodity.

In advertising there are only 3 scenarios:

1. New Concept > New Product > New Brand > First Time Consumer > First Time Brand. This scenario happens quite rarely. Almost once or twice in one's life time.

2. Existing Product > Existing Brand

3. Existing Product > New Brand.

All the brands operate in a market with reference to 'B to C' (Business to Consumers).

Assignment : 
In each category you would be required to know about the brand perception across at least 2 or 3 brands across various pricing ranges (one price range)

You're required to make a matrix who's constituent parts are 'Brand - Price - Salient Features'
Every marketing collateral available should be sourced for this will be used as 'supporting material' 

Consumer Promotions know how is a must. 

1. Brand
2. Supporting Material 
3. Consumer Promotions. 

Project is due on 22.08.2013

"As all things in life, if you've to swim, you'll learn it better when you're thrown at the deep end"  

Good Luck on the assignment 

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