Saturday, August 17, 2013

Introduction into Public Relations and Corporate Communications by Jayshree Jethwaney on 14.08.2013

"Information is power and those who control the information invariably change the destiny of countries"   

Public relations is a two way street, one is the sender and the other, the receiver.  You'll also contend with noise, now there are different types of noises, they can either be technical or deliberate. Deliberate noise is a fact of life, it is a way of life in government organisations, corporate and the likes. 

Communication is about a century old, probably dating back since the advent of printing press in Gutenberg in 1450 though it was very much present in China prior. 

When the preachings of the church were criticised by a select few 'muck raisers' and with that was born Public Relations, wherein it became important for the Church to protect itself from these 'muck-raisers' 

Public Relations' basic aim is to maintain and manage the reputation of an organisation or a person, professionally.   

Interpersonal communication is between two people either face to face or through subtler means of gauging and noticing your body language whilst you talk or communicate. 

"I've had old student's of mine coming back to teach in the institute for primarily two reasons; They'll serve as a constant source of inspiration (don't tell her but I've forgotten the number of 0's Shruthi has on her pay check)  to you guys and they always have a great respect for their alma mater"   

"In a war the first casualty is usually the truth" - US Senator Hiram Warren Johnson, 1918 

The World Wars being extremely capitalistic on all the the respective participants gave rise to a new requirement of communications and which gave rise to advertisements such as these "If you can't join war at least buy liberty bonds" and "Earning freedom is easier than maintaining freedom"

Rise of Fascisim (Hitler and Mussolini) gave rise to the following ideas/ideologies

  • Bigger the lie the closer it'll sound to truth.
  • Repeat a lie 10 thousand times and it'll become a truth.

Hitler knew all too well about the importance of media/information and it isn't surprising to know that he was the first person to use radio against one's own country. This was brought to light when the allies found secret or underground radio stations that were run by Nazi's when buildings were razed to the ground after being bombed.

Propaganda though has negative connotations, it sometimes isn't all negative in nature. Propaganda is a form of communication aimed towards influencing the attitude of a community towards some cause/s or position by presenting only one side of an argument

This again can be spilt into 3 colours/types of propaganda;
  • Black propaganda where the source is concealed
  • White where the source is revealed or known 
  • and Red where the propaganda is based on the ideology of communism  

A journalist who is an independent source will hold more credibility than those who are bound by various directives of their organisations for or under whom they work for. Journalism has changed from being an important weapon to beget our independence from the British to the chronic that is 'paid media' now. 

"Public Opinion is the barometer of public Relations."   

Rise of Gandhi
In all probability Gandhi was the best strategist the world has ever seen. He brought down an empire with non-violence. I mean, non-vioence and bringing down an empire who's line until this truly 'great man' came on the scene was "The sun never sets on the british empire" he ensured it did and without a bullet being fired.

His contemporary arguably one of the greatest physicist ever known, Albert Einstein, knew all along the greatness of this man when he said "Generations to come, it may well be, will scarce believe that such a man as this one ever in flesh and blood walked upon this Earth.”  

Book Recommendations :

  • Public Relations by Jayshree Jethwaney (Chapter 1)

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