Friday, August 30, 2013

Creativity by Sam Roofus as on 30/08/2013

"Yes Sir, no Sir and you'll land up with ulcer" 

"My romance with this institute goes way long back to those times, when it was a much smaller place, a rented flat in South Ex"

I come here to learn and teach. I like my classes to be an interactive one. We'll dialogue and discuss.


"Anything you look around us at the core of it does have creativity in it"

"See with your ears and Hear with your eyes"

"Great Advertising is 1% inspiration, 9% perspiration and 90% justification"

"Good Advertising will have to bring a smile to your mind"

"When you reach for the stars, you may not touch them but one thing is sure, you'll not come up with a handful of dust"

"Good is the enemy of great" being Good breeds complacency and the number of Corporations, MNCs that have had their fall attributed to just this one trait and we must be very aware as to not let it get the better of us. 

"It is all about setting standards and a par at excellence that should be raised everyday" 

"Just Imagine"

"Creativity is all about first things"

"Advertising is the only good news on television"

Analytical | Creative    
Logical | Imagination 
Few Answers | More Possible Answers
Convergent | Divergent 
Vertical | Lateral       

"Any job is not wanted but day before yesterday" 

"We don't fit the mould we break it" 

The Black Cylinder works in so many ways and them being:

  • No way of checking whether an idea is right or wrong.
  • Not a closed situation where one can prove if one is right or wrong.
  • Dealing with vague ideas - not a number which can be put through a mathematical solution.
  • Not a matter of checking ideas but thinking of them first.
  • In spite of inadequate information one is required to come to a definite conclusion. 
  • There is no one to ask. 

--> Process NOT content... 

--> Raw Thinking - Cooking Up... 

"Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way" 

"The greatest enemy to creativity is the first right answer"

"You cannot do the same things again. and again and expect different results"

"Get out of the wrecked angle"

Important Lessons in Communication:
  • Strong Emotions
  • Simplicity 
  • Art of Storytelling 
  • Humanity with all its Quirks and Intellectual Honesty 

The 5 new 'P's of marketing are:
  • Paradox
  • Perspective
  • Paradigm
  • Persuasion
  • Passion 

Questions that power Creative Thinking are:

  • Why Not?
  • What Else?
  • What If?
  • How About?
"The art lies in continuously asking new questions"

5 levels used in Creative Thinking :

Level 1 : Simple Description 

Level 2 : Porridge Words (e.g. kich kich, jingalala) 

Level 3 : Give it a Name

Level 4 : The Way it Works 

Level 5 : Full Details 

"Nobody looks at advertising on purpose"

"Paradigm is anything but a frame through which we see for what we see or perceive we don't believe"

Book Recommendations: Short Stories by Guy de Maupassant
                                           Khalil Gibran's 'The Prophet'
                                           Lateral Thinking by Edward de Bono 

Assignment : Paradigm Shifting Campaign (according to you what/which do you think fits the bill for such a campaign, I, Chaithanya J.K call dibs on Gandhi and Hitler.) 

"Ideas come when you search for them in the 'visual dustbins of history'" - One 8 Year Old Boy.