Sunday, September 29, 2013

Visuals by Chari as on 27/09/2013

"He said nothing interesting, as always"

"1st shot in almost most feature films is a 'long shot'"

"Aspect Ratio is 3:4, simply because our eyes move horizontally... "

"Long shot will have an ambience, and a context to it"

"A mid shot is an introductory shot that will and is used to introduce a person"

" When you take a shot you take into a consideration that a good camera can take in only 60 degrees against a human eyes' 180 degrees."

Various Kinds of Shots:

Pan Left and Right -> Track Left and Right
Tilt Up and Down (also depress and elevate)
Zoom In and Zoom Out  --> Track In and Out

Components of a picture...

  • Foreground 
  • Picture itself 
  • Background   

A shot duration should ideally be around 3- 5 seconds, for below 3 seconds it wont/doesn't register and anything after 5 seconds it gets monotonous. 

Shots are either Objective or Subjective, a low-angle shot is used to denote a 'larger than life' whilst a 'high-angle' image does the very opposite of a low- angle shot. 

Time Dilation is when a shot denotes a time to have slowed down. Time Contraction is when an incident panning 15 minutes is shown in 15 seconds without losing the essence or the meaning of it at all. 

Cut - Away shots are those that are shot away from action. 


Crisis Management by Jaishri Jethwaney as on 27/09/2013

"Whatever has happened has happened, there's a life beyond it all" 

How to handle a Crisis:

-> Develop a strategy based on worst case scenario (hope for the best and plan for the worst, always)
-> Vital importance to be given to pre-thinking (you should fore think about an impending crisis)
-> Critical few minutes when crisis happens are very important (you need to tackle the crisis, before it crystallises after which it is very difficult to change anything, you simply can't go back in time)  
-> be alert on graphics (you need to be providing pictures of the said crisis than rather have media have a take on their own, for a simple reason that you'll be controlling what the media needs to see and what not to)
-> Journo tracking (tracking journalists)
-> Isolate the crisis team (from teh rest of the team, crisis management needs a focussed team working on the crisis alone and not be burdened with any other responsibilities)
-> Know your friends and advisors (a crisis will help you in knowing who's who, another positive to take away when a crisis does happen)
-> Take calculated risks when taking on the might

Failures whilst handling Crisis :

-> Dishonesty (on the part of the crisis management)
-> Failure to prepare for the crisis in the first place.
-> Shortsightedness of organisations in putting of their long term goals. 

"Turning a Crisis into an Opportunity" a good crisis team allows you to do just that. A good crisis team should do just that. 

- Simple Denial 
- Shifting Blame 
- Bolster 
- Minimize 
- Differentiate 
- Transcend
- Attack Accuser 
- Compensate 
- Corrective Action 
- Mortification 

"Media is the oxygen of the perpetrators of violence"

Classic Case Study in this regard :

- Texaco's Racial Discrimination 
- Cadbury's Worm infested Chocolate 
- Toyota's recall of 8.8 million vehicles
- Mattel's toxic toys



Thursday, September 26, 2013

Media Planning by Narayanmorrthy as on 26/09/2013

Reach and Frequency

Audit Bureau of Circulation (ABC) is the body that audits circulation of Print medium. When you calculate copies you're calculating reach.

                                                            Hindustan Times             Times Of India          Indian Express 

Hindustan Times          (200)       {3}                 -                                     -                                -    

Times Of India            (100)        {3}               50                                    -                                -  

Indian Express             (50)         {1}               70                                  10                               -            

(Gross Readers)      {Insertions}

"Lower Singular Matrix"

Target Audience
Women, 25 - 45 SEC AB, Delhi.

"reach will always be expressed in percentages - (people who have been exposed to your media)" 

With Gross Readers totalling 350, Net Readers (will not include duplication, triplication and so on...)

Thus from the above table we can deduce that since, 50% of people who read TOI also read HT, we arrive at 50 readers who are new, and subsequently with 70% of people who read Indian Express also read HT and 10% read the TOI, we can deduce 70% of 50 is 35 thus entailing us with 15 new readers, and 10% of this number would be 1.5 thus 15 - 1.5 would be 13.5, this would be the new readers after triplication... Therefore Net Readers would be (200 + 50 + 13.5 = 263.5)  

Calculating Reach in the above scenario would be 600/263.5*100 = 44%  (for 600 was our target audience for our ad campaign)

With 3, 3, and 1 insertions(ads) in HT, TOI and IE respectively the gross impression is 950. (200*3 + 100*3 + 50*1)

Therefore the Opportunity To See (OTS) would be 950/263.5 = 3.6, OTS is simply the opportunity to see the media vehicle (Print)

*If two ads are given on the same day, then that is considered to be just one day.

Usually clients will hand out to media planners, stating that their Campaigns should have an "R/F are 60% at 3+" 

Since we've a reached 44% of our audience, that would invariably mean 56 (100 - 44) would have an OTS of '0'.

OTS Distribution  -  Frequency Distribution
    OTS                                   TA                
       0                                      56       
       1                                       2
       2                                       1
       3                                       4
       4                                       7

The upper limit would be no.of ads, whose range lies between 0 and 7.

"Principle of Audience Accumulation"

When you run your campaign overtime, you'll invariably accumulate audience over time thanks to in-frequent readers, regular readers would also have more OTS.

If you want to increase OTS, you need to chose one with higher duplication and that which has higher regular readers and when you need to increase reach, you use a publication with a lower duplication.


Gallub Polls (A research paper on Reading and Noting Scores)...


Berlo's SMCR Model of communication by Naren Singh as on 26/09/2013

Source: The source is were the message originates.
Communication skills – It is the individual’s skill to communicate (ability to read, write, speak, listen etc…)
Attitudes – The attitude towards the audience, subject and towards one self for e.g. for the student the attitude is to learn more and for teachers wants to help teach.
Knowledge- The knowledge about the subject one is going to communicate for e.g. whatever the teacher communicates in the class about the subject so having knowledge in what you are communicating.
Social system – The Social system includes the various aspects in society like values, beliefs, culture, religion and general understanding of society. It is were the communication takes place.
Culture: Culture of the particular society also comes under social system.
Encoder: The sender of the message (message originates) is referred as encoder, so the  source is encoding the message here.

Content – The beginning to the end of a message comprises its content for e.g.  From beginning to end whatever the class teacher speaks in the class is the content of the message.
Elements – It includes various things like language, gestures, body language etc, so these are all the elements of the particular message. Content is accompanied by some elements.
Treatment – It refers to the packing of the message. The way in which the message is conveyed or the way in which the message is passed on or deliver it. For E.g Satire is a treatment.
Structure- The structure of the message how it is arranged, the way you structure the message into various parts. For e.g a message can be either delivered in a liner or a non linear way.  
Code- The code of the message means how it is sent in what form it could be e.g. language, body language, gestures, music and even culture is a code. Through this you get/give the message or through which the communication takes place or being reached.
Channel-   It is nothing but the five senses through this only we do. The following are the five  senses which we use
  • Hearing
  • Seeing
  • Touching
  • Smelling
  • Tasting
Whatever communication we do it is there either of these channels.
.Decoder : Who receives the message and decodes it is referred to as decoder.
Receiver: The receiver needs to have all the thinks like the source.
This model believes that for an effective communication to take place the source and the receiver needs to be in the same level, only if the source and receiver are on the same level communication will happen or take place properly. So source and receiver should be similar, or as PA calls it Parity Market or on Parity with each other. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Digital Media by Saurabh Parmar as on 23/09/2103


Facebook Insights - October 7th

Facebook Advertising - October 21st

Twitter Analytic Tools - October 28th

Klout & Pinterest, Understanding the platform and their use from a marketing perspective - Nov 4th

LinkedIn & Instagram, Understanding the platform & their use from a marketing perspective - Nov 11th


Research by Parveen Ahluwalia as on 23/09/2013

"Hallmark of any Quali researcher is how you take the discussion forward"


-> Primary Survey 
-> Questionnaire is the instrument/tool that will be used to research. 
  • Structured (Close ended questions)
  • Semi structured (Close and open ended questions)      

An in-depth interviews are those which try to understand the why's and the why nots. A one - on - one will take 45 - 1 hour whilst a Group Discussion will take 25 - 35 minutes to administer.  

In a Quali research, a transcription of the group discussion is usually used to analyse the said group discussion. 

Research Methodology  


-> Sampling
  • Random Sampling 
  • Stratified 
  • Quota

Universe for E.g. Automobile would be the Universe.

Population for E.g. Passenger Cars would be the Population of the above Universe.

Sample for E.g SUV will be the sample of the above Sample.  

"Sample has to be representative of the 'Population'"

Another example would be:

Confectionery would be the Universe

Chocolates would be the Population 

Bitter Chocolates would be the Sample 

"Advertising is solely connected to the end user"

"Marketing is solely done to connect to the 'target audience'"  

"Random Sampling in Research is never done. But 'Random Stratified' sampling is the one that is used the most, in Quantitative research"

"Quota Sampling is the most accurate for a research" 

Stratified Random Sample

500 interviews are to be done across Delhi/NCR, you break Delhi into 5 zones (North, East, West, South and the Central Delhi) 10 Localities in each zone thus meaning 10 interviews each in each locality. This would be an example for Stratified Random Sample. 

How to do Interviews...

You always chose one random numbered house (let's say 5th in this case) you move on to the every 5th house from then on. In the event that you should find the house not to be your target audience you either move +1 or -1 and then move on to the 5th house from that house, interval should as a rule be followed. 

(Average) Costs for Research across various firms per interview:

Household : 250/- to 300/-
Dealers : 2500/- to 3000/-
Professionals : 3000/- to 5000/- 

Per Focussed Group Discussion:

Household : 10 -15 K
Executive : 18 - 25 K 
Senior Level Executives : 35 - 50 K

Per Depth Interviews:

10 - 15 K 

P.S. "Never go to an interview/meeting alone."  

Assignment: Research Proposal 

Introduction and Background
Scope of Work/ Research Objectives
Nature of the Study as in Quanti or Quali or both. 





Corporate Reputation by Sameer Kapoor as on (Date/I/Don't/Remember)

"Corporate Reputation is either important or very important" 

Flanking is where/when you hit without actually hitting at them directly, it is a much practised in advertising, for e.g. the case of Sprite taking on the likes of Mountain Dew without actually hitting at Pepsi.

"If you're a single entity catering to B2C then reputation is linked to Brand Positioning"

MSO -> Multiple Service Operators. (more info here)

Reputed companies work/ run on Triple Bottom-line and Sustainability across these three:

  • Economic
  • Social 
  • Environmental  
"Reputation is the sum of values that stakeholders attribute to a company based on their perceptions and interception of the image that the company communicates over time"   
                                                                                                           - John Dalton 



Monday, September 23, 2013

Individual Research by Parveen Ahluwalia as on 21/09/2013

"Imagery will always be comparative"

Usage -> When, Where, What time, frequency ...

Attitude -> What a consumer feels/thinks about the brand.

"Advertising strategy will never attempt to change attitudinal shift", for the simple reason that "It takes years for Brands to become synonymous with their respective categories"

secondary research needs to be done 

-> Category 
-> Consumer 
-> Govt. Policies

Nature of Research

=> Quantitative (that which is measurable, can be substantiated)
=> Qualitative (why this Brand over the other)

Survey means one-on-one interviews. Period. 

A survey will make use of a research tool called questionnaire which will have to designed. Questionnaire is a 'quanti' tool. A survey will always be done on today's basis. 

Focus Group Discussions (FGD)
-> Group Formation
-> Discussion Guide (Used in GD, it is a Quali tool)

Scope of Work 
->  Key Objectives of Research 
                                               -> Definition of a SUV : as a concept. 

An objective will always precedes a questionnaire. 

TOMA = Top Of Mind Awareness, the first answer you get for your question will always be considered as TOMA and it'll always amount to 100%. Responses to others will always amount to more than 100. 

"Purchase Criteria will always encapsulate Decision Making"  

Competitive Imagery - Brands aware of that is to be compared with respect to all categories. 

Campaigns that you recall: Good/Bad/Ugly... 

'Ideal Fit'  

 "Why? and Why Not?" - will remain the two most important question that will repeat itself throughout the questionnaire. 


(How) News Channel Function by Chari as on 20/09/2013

News channels could and usually be distinguished into

  • National 
  • Regional 
  • and Business 
News channels. 

News is 'credible' whilst Advertising is, well, not as much as news and this is something that we should readily accept and the truth.  

Assignment desk is a gatekeeping desk in any News corporation, wherein content is either edited or looked into by a superior/presiding officer before it is aired or published.

Input desk is where writers, reporters and all those who produce content do so. 

Output desk is where the the news actually get aired. 

Production desk is where anchors and producers are present. 

News gathering softwares are used like Octopus, Electronic News Processing Software. News has transformed to a more computer centric news room with everything on their 'servers' and intranet.   

Salient features of News(Modern Newsroom): 

Anchors are => They're formally dressed, very business like.

Video => Anchor Read (Oral) News/ Reporter's(Bytes) with a voice over/ a Package that consists of voice over, bytes and piece to (incomplete, I seem to have missed jotting this point)    
Real Time => Outside Broadcast and Digital Satellite News Gathering vehicles have ensured that news is relayed live.

Value Addition to the Screen => Ticker (should not be more than 5-7 words), Crawl, Breaking News.

Graphics => Still - Animated or Animated is another way how news is presented at present. Graphics play a prominent role in how News is aired/present.  


Thursday, September 19, 2013

DrivethrOOH, TOOHL and DashbOOHrd by Harpal Singh as on 19/09/2013

No Central Body that controls Outdoor Media, apart from the Municipal Corporation which collects taxes from the media owners. Therefore there is an utter Lack of Data which invariably means Lack of Accountability.

Out of Home media is an important media vehicle for advertising, for in the case of Engine Oils, truckers form the major Target Segment and Truckers cannot access the likes of media like TV, Radio or Print and in such cases, OOH becomes that much more relevant. Advertising has to be done OOH as it works.

Videographics Videoanalytics, the process of measuring OOH is currently a 'semi-automatic' process, wherein every month on an average a car mounted with a camera does the rounds of a specified city on a specified route covering 12,000 to 14,000 amounting to 700 hours of video that is analysed. The analysis is important not only to identify the better option with respect to but also to aid in Adex (Advertisement Expenses) where in it is important to be in know as to how much your competition is spending and where and how.

OOH is usually measured is Square Footage Visibility, for E.g a hoarding measuring 10 ft * 20 ft would amount to 200 Sq. Ft of visibility. As in the case of other medias, the strategising would invariably include 'Planning - Monitoring - Analysis' .

"You count the traffic that passes by billboard at different time slots."

-> Visibility Distance (From how far is the billboard visible or seen)
-> Visibility Duration (for how long is a billboard is seen)

"All data collectors should be independent, for that will mean more and better credibility." 


Communication Theory by Naren as on 19/09/2013

X1, X2.... XN are the sources of the information.

C => Gatekeeping Services

B => Audience
                       -> Primary Audience
                       -> Secondary Audience

A => Source/Sender (ideally it'd be the sender)

Second phase would be the 'Feedback' phase.

fBA = Feedback from the Audience directly to the Sender.

fCA = Feedback from the Gatekeeper to the Sender.

fBC = Feedback from the Audience to the Gatekeeper.

Wilbur and Schramm's Model/Interactive Model of Communication

This model can be applied only in interpersonal communication. Interpersonal Communication is the most ideal form of communication. Decoding is when 'sound' makes sense. Comprehending the same sensible sound is known as interpretation.


Disaster Management and Crisis Management by Jaishri Jethwaney as on 18/09/2013

"What is hidden is news, the rest is Public Relations"

Communication is a two way process, the channel can be interpersonal or through the use of mass media. 

Disaster is an adverse event/calamity that needs immediate addressing, disaster can be either natural or man made.  

You've 3 stages of Crisis Management;

Pre Crisis => Crisis => Post Crisis


-> Enormity of the disaster/loss of human life.  
-> Perceived abettor and victim
-> Perceptions about the crisis
-> Action plan to deal with the crisis on hand

"Once a crisis has happened, it is futile to turn back time."

Two aspects from Disaster Manager's perspective:

  • How do you respond to the victims?
  • Are you communicating what you are doing? 

Media acquires the centre stage when it comes to Disaster Management. Sometimes offence is indeed the best defence. As a Disaster Manager you'll have to facilitate the commute of journalists as well.

Stereotypes for media and organisations in times of crisis, "they're going to conceal v/s the smell only bad", "what is hidden is news, the rent is public relations"

Anatomy of the medium: In an ideal situation, 'Media should speak for us'

- It is in the business of news
- It is in competition with others 
- It has certain certain corporate responsibilities
- It has reputation to guard and it's need for credibility
- Journalists have deadlines to meet
- Journalist have rational, emotional sides too

Anatomy of an Organisation

- Has a core competency in one or more areas
- Has worked hard on managing its reputations
- has many stakeholders to answer
- Disasters are most dreaded
- Often don't have a media policy 
- Despite a general preparedness, the slip often shows
- Organisation tend to be defensive in the face of crisis
- Avoid, evade, keep mum or pass on the buck

And the lessons that are to be learnt from the above are:

-> Develop a strategy based on Worst Case Scenario 
-> Vital importance of pre-thinking 
-> Initial critical few moments when a crisis breaks are very important
-> Be alert on graphics
-> Isolate the crisis team from the daily grind
-> Aim at containment and not suppression
-> Track journalists (over a period of time, for at least 6 months is highly recommended)

Failure of Crisis Management is mainly because of :

  • Lack of openness
  • Failure to pepare for the worst 
  • Shortsightedness of organisation in putting off long term goods. 

"A crisis can be turned into an opportunity"





Creativity by Sam Rufus as on 17/09/2013

"Consensus is average, in creative work we don't work for consensus" 

"Learn the skill of simplicity, go beyond jargon"

"You don't tell a doctor what to prescribe, you can and might as well tell your client to go and fly a kite"

"If you know our job so well, why don't you do it, instead of hiring us?" 

"Idea dictates the promotional material"

New P's of Marketing:

  • Prospect
  • Proposition
  • Paradigm
  • Positioning
  • Paradigm 
  • Persuasion
  • Passion
  • Perspective
  • Paradox
  • Value Proposition 

"A campaign without an idea is akin to a ship without a rudder"

"A campaign without an idea is like a big ship at night, nobody is going to see it"

"Advertising is the hand-maiden of Marketing"

Before you present your work:

1. Define the challenge
2. Describe the idea
3. Describe the Execution

M - Marketing Objective
A - Audience
CH - Challenge
I - Idea
N - Nutshell 
E - Execution

1. Identify the opportunity you wish to capture. 
2. Or the Obstacle that must be overcome.  

"If you get the mindshare, then you get the marketshare"

"You never see a committee in a park"


- Position you want to own
- Misconception you want to correct  
- Difference you wish to flaunt
- Competitor's claim you wish to weaken 
- Unpopular subject that needs to be raised
- Clutter you wish to break through


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Brand Elements by Ramesh Tahilliani as on 17/09/2013

"Logo should've a message, that can be decoded by a consumer either easily or otherwise"


-> Help identify and differentiate 
-> Pack in maximum amount of information in minimum number of signs. 
-> Create a perception post purchase
-> Symbolism

"A Logotype should fit both eyes, 1 unit high and 2 1/4 unit long is an ideal measurement."

-> Numbers (as in with Chanel No.5, Nokia 1100, Levi's 501 and Bond's 007)
-> Packaging (as in the case of Harpic, or Hermes' packaging is as distinct as it can be)
-> Sound (as in the case of Harley Davidson, which is patented)
-> Sensation (as in the case of Dettol - 'burning' sensation and it's distinct smell)
-> Uniform Resource Locator (URL), Domain Name (as in the case of
-> Spokespeople (Brand Ambassador, as in the case of Steve Jobs' of Apple)
-> Jingles (as in the case of Lifebuoy, Vicks and Vicco Turmeric)   

Four Mental Glues:

- Alliteration
- Repetition
- Double Entendre 
- Reversals

"A Brand's Identity is a Brand's DNA Configuration, Brand Identity is NOT Brand Image, Identity comes before Image."

- What is the Brand's particular vision and aim?
- What makes it different?
- What need is the Brand fulfilling?
- Permanent features of the said Brand.
- What are it's values? (Chanel's is timeless and simple)
- What is the field of competence, of legitimacy?
- What are the signs which make the Brand recognisable?

Brand Essence 

-> Soul of the Brand     
-> Resonates with the consumer
-> Drives the brand value proposition 
-> Timeless

Externalisation of a Brand is that you can see, Internalisation is that which you cannot or don't see. 

Essence (of a Brand) is the one present at the very core of a Brand, with Personality, Culture, Self-Image, Reflection, Relationship, Physique making up its arms and the connecting it all. 


Consumer Behaviour By Parveen Ahluwalia as on 16/09/2013

"No strategy can be made if you don't understand your consumer."

Consumer Behaviour

Before we get into it, let's see what exactly we're up against and what/how we should be prepare for the same; ready? Here goes:

  • Doors getting slammed on your face. 
  • People cursing at you (will and might involve your family member's too)
  • Run, when dogs are set on you. (And you thought they were cute?)

Same consumers are being targeted by various other brands and thus consumers are spoilt for choice. Thus, Understanding (them through) Research and Targeting becomes imperative. 

Caltex was an diesel engine oil whose major chunk (as much as 90%) of consumers were the Truckers. 

Consumers can be classified into:

  • Influencers (Mechanic and Truck Driver)
  • Users (Truck Driver)
  • Decision Makers (Truck Driver and Mechanic)
  • Purchaser (Owner of the fleet/the truck)        

Marketing will target all the four segments of the consumers, but Advertising will target the user/consumer, always. 

A trip from Delhi to Bombay was undertaken, and was done so by travelling in the back of a truck in order to 'immerse yourself as a consumer - Consumer Immersion'

C - School (Grads)

- Unsure
- Default
- Homogenous
- Comprehension/ Communication Skills

B - School (Grads)

- Focussed
- Over Ambitious
- Commercial Orientation (Greedy)
- Skewed (95% MBA students are engineers)
- Communication Skills??????

Consumers need to be understood in their entirety.

Consumer - Category - Relationship

A Target Segment will first have to Identified then you (try) Connecting with them and then you Interview them and then only begin to Analyse them.

Consumer Adoption Life cycle 

             -> 28 to 60 Years
             -> Monthly income being more than 1 lakh
             -> Salaried/Self-Employed/Businessman or a Trader/Student

*Self - Employed needs a professional qualification.
*Businessman or a trader has no such criteria.

Priority is a key factor in buying the said product/brand in question.

(18-21) - Lifestyle/Brand Conscious (Branded Animal) => because flaunt value matters.
(24-28) - Young Working Professional
(28-    ) - Early Nester
(35-45)* is the target segment for LED TV, because needs have moved from a need driven to commodity driven.  Every stage I move to, everything changes, my priority to my needs.

"Talk to every band of Customer Segments, that is the whole objective"  

Market V/S Marketing Research (and then we also have Communication Research.)

  • Market Research is at Macro levels
  • Marketing Research is at Micro level 

-> Financial
-> Industrial
-> Social (Family Welfare, Child Care)
-> Public Systems (Rural Development)
-> Consumer


Marketing Research (agencies) :

-> Nielsen (formerly known as ORG)
-> IMRB (Affiliated to JWT)
-> TNS

Hierarchy of an Agency(Advertising):                                

Director - (Services)
Account Director
Account General Manager 
Account Supervisor
Senior Account Executive 
Account Executive (CTC would be 10-15K a month)

Hierarchy of an Agency(Research):

Director - (Research)

Project Director
Project Manager 
Senior Research Executive 
Research Executive (CTC would be 10-15K a month)

Research Design

-> Introduction and Background (why are we doing?)
-> Research Objective
-> Research Methodology (How are we doing?)
-> Time and Cost (How much it costs?)


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Digital Marketing by Saurabh Parmar as on 16/09/2013

"We as people (Indians) don't create content" 

"Traffic is not the answer but the quality of the traffic that is the answer"

Ad-network is a middleman who buy ad space in networks.

66% of brand touch points are now generated by customers.

The facts:

  • 50% people are more likely to buy if engaged via social sites. 
  • A significant majority of social media happens in the real world.  

Differences between Facebook and Twitter. 

  • Facebook is all about your (inner) circle. 
  • Facebook is influenced by your peer group. 

  • Twitter is about people whom you admire who may or may not be a part of your inner circle.
  • Twitter's impact is directly proportional to infrastructure, accessibility, as a result is a great medium for celebrities in order to interact with their devout fans.  


IIMC Alumni Page : 2, 3

LGBT : 1, 4

Sex Worker's Right : 6, 8

Corruption : 5, 7

Agenda : You need to create an impact. Period. Benchmark will be either creating a brilliant page or ensure the media pick up the issue.

Deadline : January   

Public Opinion and Persuasion by Nitin Mantri as on 13/09/2013

"Word of mouth is a non paid form of PR"

Public Opinion is a huge form of persuasion. Public Opinion is usually a reaction to an incident. Emotion plays a big part of persuasion. The following are the different ways of persuasion. 

-> Effect (how will it impact people) 
-> Revolution (Any new information)
-> Proximity (Is it within your reach)
-> Drama (Difference in the storyline)

"Sum of the individual opinions on an issue affecting those individuals"

General Thumb rule: You'll have to handle the crisis before it hardens, for once it hardens it almost, always becomes irreversible. 

3 traits of  Opinion Leaders:

-> Highly Interested   => Early Adopters
-> Better informed 
-> Avid consumers of mass media

There are two types of opinion leaders:
  • Formal 
  • Informal  

Formal opinion leaders (they've or hold high clout)
-> CEO's, Presidents
-> Power leaders

They're usually active in the community, and definitely have a college degree. 

P.S. I stopped taking notes beyond this point, for he said something about mailing the entire ppt. Sorry but not sorry. You get it. Now, shoo! 



Media Planning by Narayanmoorty as on 12/09/2013

"There's no honesty in the system at all, let me assure you of the same but then, any system is better tahn no system at all"

SEC  System (Socio Economic System)

Market Research System of India, since the educational opportunities and occupations have undergone an enormous change a new system was to be developed to ascertain one's SEC. Thus was born the New SEC system, the following are the traits of the new system:

=> Education of the chief wage earner.
=> No.Of consumer durables you own. the list has 11 items.

12 grades in the new SEC system A1 to E3.

Distribution of Households (Urban and Rural).

The advantages of the new SEC system has been:

-> Less Subjectivity.
-> Simple and easy to answer.

IRS covers all media, Press, TV, Radio, Internet, Cinema and it doesn't cover out of home. It primarily considers print.

Since TV is a dynamic medium, the IRS can't be used to measure it. This is done so by Television Rating Points (TRP)

Basically a 'People Meter' is used to beget ratings.

Television Audience Measurement (TAM) comprises of 10,000 households. This sample though is considered to be extremely small, it is known that some measurement is better than no measurement. Summation of TRPs is called Gross Rating Points. Universe (wrt to TRP) is any individuals living in a TV owning household and above 4 years +

At any given point => TRP is the percentage of people viewing a certain program at a particular point in time. Ratings can be got for every second. Two processes that decipher voluminous data. Persistence and Attribution.

Data will be aggravated to one minute (India). A viewer is considered as one if he views a channel for one minute and more. (Persistence).

Any channel that is viewed for less than one minute will be added to a channel that was viewed for more than one minute, this is (Attribution).  Law of averages will eventually catch up in the case of attribution.

Media Agencies are interested in GRPs and Channels will be interested in TRPs. Data will come out weekly and requires a software to view the said data. Age, Gender, SECs will be usually a known entity when in question is one particular TRP.

Radio Audience Measurement (RAM)

Concepts are very similar to that of TV and it's TRP with the exception of a meter.


- It is the most measured medium
- Metrics are available but not accurate.

Out of Home  

- It is the most non-measured media.
- It is entirely without any editorial content and it is a purely advertising medium.
- Most corrupt amongst all other industries, vested interest in not wanting to change that status-quo.
- Fragmented (highly)
- Monitoring and Measuring an outdoor media is not very easy.

The average compliance is 70% when it comes to OOH.

Monday, September 16, 2013

All things Account Manager by Shruthi Jain as on 14/09/2013

"Go beyond the obvious"

Ogilvy and Mather have this following principal which they adhere to. 

Brand always comes first 
then comes the Client 
Agency is the next 
and then, if you can and manage to have something left out/over, then you think about/for yourself. 

And it has always held them well. 

What do Account Managers do?

=> Treat your client as an asset and not as a burden. 
=> Relationship is what matters the most, relationship with the client, relationship with the brand.

They'll need to be the 'hub of the wheel', they're the Catalyst, they're akin to the Orchestra Conductor, they're the Baton carrier, they're simply put, the very face of an agency.

"It's how you view your job that'll change your way of looking at it" 

"Buck stops with Account Management"

"Ethics and Attitude of an Account Manager plays a very vital role." 

An Account Manager will have to interact with the following:

  • Creative
  • Media Planning
  • Research
  • Media Buying 
  • Studio
  • Print Production
  • Film Production 
  • Finance 
  • Administration 
  • Direct Marketing
  • PR
  • Events
  • Rural Marketing 
  • Interactive 
  • Client
And you'll also have to be able to negotiate with Suppliers and various Vendors. 

Subjects at which an Account Manager should be adept at

- Marketing for it is the very root of Advertising. You will in all likelihood will be dealing with an MBA who'll have a chip on his shoulder thinking that he's the best when it comes to marketing and you'll have to convince him and you can't or don't do so without knowing it yourself. 

- Research Techniques and Interpretation (This is that one thing that'll lead you to an insight)

-  Sociology (We don't have to re-invent the wheel, every time but knowing us is and can be a big help indeed)
- Psychology (If you don't change on or from day 1, then you'll never be able to do so in the next 9 months)

- Production Techniques

- Media (Facts about the media, knowing what media reaches whom)

"90% of the time we start with a TVC"  

"Our plans are as disconnected as we possibly can be from reality"

- Negotiate Techniques (We negotiate all our lives, this continues with being an Account Manager)

- Production Planning 

- Know everything under the sun 

- Time Management 

Key Traits required are  

-> Curiosity.

-> Patience.

-> Sensitivity/Insensitivity.

-> Jump from liner to lateral and back.

-> Sense of Humour.

-> Presence of Mind.


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Workings of a News Paper by Krishna as on 11/09/2013

Best time to hold a press conference is between 12 to 2 PM

Senior Reporter

Editorial will remain the same across all other editions. Editor is the most important facet of a newspaper. He's the captain of the ship.

Editorial Sources
                       -> Primary => Ground Zero reporting.
                       -> Press Release is a secondary resource.

5 W and 1 H => Where, When, What, Why, Who and How.

             ->Summary Lead
             ->Secondary Lead
             ->Third Lead

What is the relevant of a press release?

"A press release is a communication that is sent to news media to be distributed among the masses" It can be used against you and can be used to testify against you in the court of law. It is also a 'product' and thus packaging is important. 

Press Note : A note that addresses a question that was out of context with respect to the press conference.    

Rejoinder : When an article from an industry counterpart has been put across and your organisation wants to add in to the conversation.


Friday, September 13, 2013

Digital Marketing by Saurabh Parmar as on 11/09/2103

"Advertising is a dirty field and everyone wants to earn money"   

'Word Of Mouth' this is one thing every agency, every brand wants invariably through everything they do, they want their brands to be the talking point. Advertising doesn't work the same as it used to. Brand Consumer Interaction is the new thing and in a big way.

In 1965, 80% of 18-49 year olds in the US could be reached with 3*60 seconds spots.

In 2002, it required 117 primetime commercials to do the same.

=> Ad spends have increased dramatically.

Heat mapping is another tool that enables better placement of ads according to the way our eyes read.

Every time an ad is refreshed, it is called an impression.

A lot of times, CPL and CPA are the one and the same.

Placement and the size of the ad are the main parameters that define ads.

Higher the Click Through Rate, better the platform is working. 

CTR has fallen from 2.1% in 1997 to 0.5% in 2001 to an all time low of 0.1% in the most recent times.

even traditional internet models are proving to be a challenge. Consumers no longer visit the websites of the respective Brands anymore.

New marketing strategies have (quite literally) scaled new heights, one example in this regard is Red Bull's Stratos, which ensured Sky Diving become but a 'cute' adventure sport.  

=> Many a marketing strategies have been devised such that, the 'innovators and early adapters' are being targeted keeping in mind the 'long tail'.

As the marketing guru himself, Seth Godin put it you'll have to focus more on "Otaku" and that is the way forward as far as advertising of the future is considered.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Creativity by Sam Rufus as on 10/09/2013

”Every cage has an opening”

“Understanding is the beginning of the approval and the challenge lies in finding the key”

 The Questions:

->Where are we?
->Why are we, where we are?
->Where do we want to be?
->Why you want to be where you want to be?
->How will you get there, what will you use to get there?
->How soon do we want to get there?

“A great part of the information obtained in war is contradictory, a still greater part is false and by far the greatest part is of a doubtful character”
-       Karl Von Clausvitz

Public Relations and Corporate Communication by Jaishri Jethwaney as on 09/09/2013

“Don’t treat media as a monolith”

Advocacy: for influencing legislation policy.

Advertising: (Paid communication) for both Communication and Image Build Up and Crisis Management.

Media Relations: For reaching out to public at large and getting media mileage.

Government Relations: for a sustained existence.

Community Relations: For creating a favorable eco-system around.

Stakeholder Relations: for creating a mutual trust and relationship.

“Communication is but a road and not a destination”

“You’ve and can maintain good rapports with 20 -30 journalists, it isn’t that hard to do so, but you should so well to remember that you should never trust them”

“If you lose credibility, you lose the tool”

PR uses all kinds of media:

->News Channels
->Business Channels

Hard Stories are those stories that are based on facts and figures and are hard boiled with respect to its decisions, attributes.

Soft Stories are those stories that impact a human being as in it is more emotional in it’s tone.

Negative PR is when you voluntarily accept your faults and thus try to salvage and control further damage to your organization or a personality.

Media Planning by Sridhar as on 09/09/2013

"Newspaper is an impact medium and not a medium of sustenance."


->Reach (60 % of population in Delhi SSC – A, SSC – B, Men and Women).
-> Local Emphasis.
-> Flexibility (in terms of advertising for a certain amount of time you want to advertise).
-> Involving (TV is a medium which is fleeting but with newspaper it isn’t the case).

->Short Life.
->High Cost at a National Level.
->Not a simultaneous consumption.



->Consumed by choice.
->Quality of production.
->Pass along readership/Longer shelf life
->Focused audience.


->Slow build up of reach (lack of immediacy)
->Greater lead-time (your content needs to reach very much in advance, for E.g. you need to submit or send in your content a whole month in advance which is not the case in a newspaper)
->Greater Scope of Innovation.



->Sight and Sound medium (it is more holistic)
->Mass as well as Niche
->Cost Effective



No media is good or bad. It is all situational, it is all about how well it is suitable to your needs.