Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Product/Brand Strategy by Parveen Ahluwalia as on 09/09/2013

“ People who buck the trend are the innovators” 

Need Gap – Want – Demand – Competition – Launch. 
        |                                    |
Research                 Related Competitive

New Product – New Launch – New Concept – New Market
Existing Product – New Brand – Launch
Existing Product – Existing Brand – Re - Launch

Product Strategy has a lot of facets with the strength of need being a foremost one.
India as a market is at LM. Competition is always at its fiercest at/in the plateau.

“Loyalty comes over a period of time”

“Brands make a noise when they’re launching a new product”

Perception – Impression – Image – {Opinion – Attitude}*
*Parenthesis being the experience, meaning, only after having experienced the brand, will you have an opinion and an attitude towards it.

New Product – New Market – Diversification
New Product – Existing Market – Consolidation
Existing Product – Existing Market – Re-Launch
Existing Product – New Market – Entry

“The better you understand your consumer, the more focused is the marketing strategy, vis-à-vis the communication strategy. All the while keeping in mind the fact that a consumer is always right.”

“Technological Upgradation and Technologically Obsolete” are the two ends of a spectrum.”

“Smart is he who optimizes his strength within his own limitations”

S.W.O.T has to be done on 3 levels
·         Corporate
·         Product/Brand
·        Intangibles/Image

S.W.O.T will always be done on today’s basis.
(Some of the weaknesses can be opportunities, you’ve to analyze between the lines)

With S.W.O.T you should be able to
Rationalize, Substantiate And Justify why, they are placed where they are placed.


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