Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Graphic Design by Bramhachari as on 02/09/2013

"Any animation is 100% graphics"

Graphic is derived from Greek word 'graphikos' which means writing. 

Graphic Communication is a process of conversing images by means of visual images and sounds which are usually on a flat surface. 

Graphic is also defined as the process of representing a 3 - Dimensional object on a 2 - Dimensional surface. 

3 Basic Components :

-> Written Messages
-> Pictures, Drawings, Paintings and Photographs. 
-> Layout

Execution is of utmost importance, even when compared to the idea.

Design Vocabulary

  • Print 
  • Line 
  • Shape 
  • Tone 
  • Texture

  • Contrast 
  • Balance 
  • Proportion
  • Rhythm
  • Harmony 
  • Movement
  • Unity 

Optical Centre 

A point can be real or imaginary but both ways it refers to a position in a space and then holds a strong attraction for the eye. 

Line can straight or curve, heavy or light, smooth or rough, continuos, broken, actual or imaginary. A line conveys it's own word like, if it is horizontal then it is calm. If diagonal, it suggests vitality. Line also suggests meaning. Straight line suggests strength and direction. Curve line suggests movement and growth. 

Square is a dull shape because of it's uniform size. 

Circle is peace and protection, it is also the symbol of the universe. 

Triangle is about safety and also tension, it resembles an arrow which gives the mood of 'Rudra' 

Tone : The word refers to the relative lightness or darkness of a surface quality. 

Texture : Any surface can be sensed visually as having texture thus we visually feel. It is as natural as to want to touch as it is to look.   


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