Friday, September 13, 2013

Digital Marketing by Saurabh Parmar as on 11/09/2103

"Advertising is a dirty field and everyone wants to earn money"   

'Word Of Mouth' this is one thing every agency, every brand wants invariably through everything they do, they want their brands to be the talking point. Advertising doesn't work the same as it used to. Brand Consumer Interaction is the new thing and in a big way.

In 1965, 80% of 18-49 year olds in the US could be reached with 3*60 seconds spots.

In 2002, it required 117 primetime commercials to do the same.

=> Ad spends have increased dramatically.

Heat mapping is another tool that enables better placement of ads according to the way our eyes read.

Every time an ad is refreshed, it is called an impression.

A lot of times, CPL and CPA are the one and the same.

Placement and the size of the ad are the main parameters that define ads.

Higher the Click Through Rate, better the platform is working. 

CTR has fallen from 2.1% in 1997 to 0.5% in 2001 to an all time low of 0.1% in the most recent times.

even traditional internet models are proving to be a challenge. Consumers no longer visit the websites of the respective Brands anymore.

New marketing strategies have (quite literally) scaled new heights, one example in this regard is Red Bull's Stratos, which ensured Sky Diving become but a 'cute' adventure sport.  

=> Many a marketing strategies have been devised such that, the 'innovators and early adapters' are being targeted keeping in mind the 'long tail'.

As the marketing guru himself, Seth Godin put it you'll have to focus more on "Otaku" and that is the way forward as far as advertising of the future is considered.

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