Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Public Opinion and Persuasion by Nitin Mantri as on 13/09/2013

"Word of mouth is a non paid form of PR"

Public Opinion is a huge form of persuasion. Public Opinion is usually a reaction to an incident. Emotion plays a big part of persuasion. The following are the different ways of persuasion. 

-> Effect (how will it impact people) 
-> Revolution (Any new information)
-> Proximity (Is it within your reach)
-> Drama (Difference in the storyline)

"Sum of the individual opinions on an issue affecting those individuals"

General Thumb rule: You'll have to handle the crisis before it hardens, for once it hardens it almost, always becomes irreversible. 

3 traits of  Opinion Leaders:

-> Highly Interested   => Early Adopters
-> Better informed 
-> Avid consumers of mass media

There are two types of opinion leaders:
  • Formal 
  • Informal  

Formal opinion leaders (they've or hold high clout)
-> CEO's, Presidents
-> Power leaders

They're usually active in the community, and definitely have a college degree. 

P.S. I stopped taking notes beyond this point, for he said something about mailing the entire ppt. Sorry but not sorry. You get it. Now, shoo! 



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