Thursday, September 26, 2013

Media Planning by Narayanmorrthy as on 26/09/2013

Reach and Frequency

Audit Bureau of Circulation (ABC) is the body that audits circulation of Print medium. When you calculate copies you're calculating reach.

                                                            Hindustan Times             Times Of India          Indian Express 

Hindustan Times          (200)       {3}                 -                                     -                                -    

Times Of India            (100)        {3}               50                                    -                                -  

Indian Express             (50)         {1}               70                                  10                               -            

(Gross Readers)      {Insertions}

"Lower Singular Matrix"

Target Audience
Women, 25 - 45 SEC AB, Delhi.

"reach will always be expressed in percentages - (people who have been exposed to your media)" 

With Gross Readers totalling 350, Net Readers (will not include duplication, triplication and so on...)

Thus from the above table we can deduce that since, 50% of people who read TOI also read HT, we arrive at 50 readers who are new, and subsequently with 70% of people who read Indian Express also read HT and 10% read the TOI, we can deduce 70% of 50 is 35 thus entailing us with 15 new readers, and 10% of this number would be 1.5 thus 15 - 1.5 would be 13.5, this would be the new readers after triplication... Therefore Net Readers would be (200 + 50 + 13.5 = 263.5)  

Calculating Reach in the above scenario would be 600/263.5*100 = 44%  (for 600 was our target audience for our ad campaign)

With 3, 3, and 1 insertions(ads) in HT, TOI and IE respectively the gross impression is 950. (200*3 + 100*3 + 50*1)

Therefore the Opportunity To See (OTS) would be 950/263.5 = 3.6, OTS is simply the opportunity to see the media vehicle (Print)

*If two ads are given on the same day, then that is considered to be just one day.

Usually clients will hand out to media planners, stating that their Campaigns should have an "R/F are 60% at 3+" 

Since we've a reached 44% of our audience, that would invariably mean 56 (100 - 44) would have an OTS of '0'.

OTS Distribution  -  Frequency Distribution
    OTS                                   TA                
       0                                      56       
       1                                       2
       2                                       1
       3                                       4
       4                                       7

The upper limit would be no.of ads, whose range lies between 0 and 7.

"Principle of Audience Accumulation"

When you run your campaign overtime, you'll invariably accumulate audience over time thanks to in-frequent readers, regular readers would also have more OTS.

If you want to increase OTS, you need to chose one with higher duplication and that which has higher regular readers and when you need to increase reach, you use a publication with a lower duplication.


Gallub Polls (A research paper on Reading and Noting Scores)...


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