Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Media Planning by Narayanmoorty as on 12/09/2013

"There's no honesty in the system at all, let me assure you of the same but then, any system is better tahn no system at all"

SEC  System (Socio Economic System)

Market Research System of India, since the educational opportunities and occupations have undergone an enormous change a new system was to be developed to ascertain one's SEC. Thus was born the New SEC system, the following are the traits of the new system:

=> Education of the chief wage earner.
=> No.Of consumer durables you own. the list has 11 items.

12 grades in the new SEC system A1 to E3.

Distribution of Households (Urban and Rural).

The advantages of the new SEC system has been:

-> Less Subjectivity.
-> Simple and easy to answer.

IRS covers all media, Press, TV, Radio, Internet, Cinema and it doesn't cover out of home. It primarily considers print.

Since TV is a dynamic medium, the IRS can't be used to measure it. This is done so by Television Rating Points (TRP)

Basically a 'People Meter' is used to beget ratings.

Television Audience Measurement (TAM) comprises of 10,000 households. This sample though is considered to be extremely small, it is known that some measurement is better than no measurement. Summation of TRPs is called Gross Rating Points. Universe (wrt to TRP) is any individuals living in a TV owning household and above 4 years +

At any given point => TRP is the percentage of people viewing a certain program at a particular point in time. Ratings can be got for every second. Two processes that decipher voluminous data. Persistence and Attribution.

Data will be aggravated to one minute (India). A viewer is considered as one if he views a channel for one minute and more. (Persistence).

Any channel that is viewed for less than one minute will be added to a channel that was viewed for more than one minute, this is (Attribution).  Law of averages will eventually catch up in the case of attribution.

Media Agencies are interested in GRPs and Channels will be interested in TRPs. Data will come out weekly and requires a software to view the said data. Age, Gender, SECs will be usually a known entity when in question is one particular TRP.

Radio Audience Measurement (RAM)

Concepts are very similar to that of TV and it's TRP with the exception of a meter.


- It is the most measured medium
- Metrics are available but not accurate.

Out of Home  

- It is the most non-measured media.
- It is entirely without any editorial content and it is a purely advertising medium.
- Most corrupt amongst all other industries, vested interest in not wanting to change that status-quo.
- Fragmented (highly)
- Monitoring and Measuring an outdoor media is not very easy.

The average compliance is 70% when it comes to OOH.

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