Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Corporate Reputation by Sameer Kapoor as on (Date/I/Don't/Remember)

"Corporate Reputation is either important or very important" 

Flanking is where/when you hit without actually hitting at them directly, it is a much practised in advertising, for e.g. the case of Sprite taking on the likes of Mountain Dew without actually hitting at Pepsi.

"If you're a single entity catering to B2C then reputation is linked to Brand Positioning"

MSO -> Multiple Service Operators. (more info here)

Reputed companies work/ run on Triple Bottom-line and Sustainability across these three:

  • Economic
  • Social 
  • Environmental  
"Reputation is the sum of values that stakeholders attribute to a company based on their perceptions and interception of the image that the company communicates over time"   
                                                                                                           - John Dalton 



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